This Week in Intelligent Investing examines timely and timeless investment topics to help you become a better investor. Enjoy authentic, unscripted discussion, featuring Chris Bloomstran of Semper Augustus Investments Group, Phil Ordway of Anabatic Investment Partners, Elliot Turner of RGA Investment Advisors, and other thought-leading investors. The podcast is to you exclusively by MOI Global, the research-driven membership organization of intelligent investors. Your host is John Mihaljevic, Chairman of MOI Global.

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Special: From Poker Player to Portfolio Manager, with Evan Tindell and Elliot Turner
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
In this special episode, Elliot Turner welcomes Evan Tindell, co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of Bireme Capital in a fascinating conversation on how Evan went from starting his career as a professional poker player to becoming a portfolio manager. Evan then discusses his Q4 2020 letter and the growth versus value debate, his history with Facebook and Apple and walks through his bull case on Cogeco, Inc, an undervalued Canadian cable company. Enjoy the conversation!
Evan's Q4 letter https://s3.amazonaws.com/bireme/4Q20%20FV%20-%209db490eb-14b6-4c3b-96ec-ac64fbdd22d7.html
The Bireme CIO corner https://www.biremecapital.com/cio-corner
The Bireme blog https://www.biremecapital.com/blog
Evan is Co-founder and Chief Investment Officer. He develops firm-wide investment strategy, assists with asset allocation, and performs both bottom-up research and portfolio management for the flagship Fundamental Value strategy.
Evan worked for 7 years at Ballentine Capital, where he was the lead equity analyst at the value-oriented long/short equity fund. Prior to that, Evan spent 3 years as a professional poker player.
He graduated in 2007 with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, where he was a four time All-American in tennis.
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